Household interview surveys
Nationwide Data Collection (NDC) staff have undertaken many household interviews surveys in the UK & Ireland. Household interview surveys tend to be both labour intensive and expensive to conduct. It is therefore essential that experienced staff are utilised in the planning and execution stage of the survey to ensure that accurate and reliable survey data is delivered within pre-determined timescales and budgets.
All household interview surveys are organised in accordance with the procedures and standards detailed in the Market Research Society Code of Conduct, the surveys are always overseen by senior staff who are members of the MRS. The safety of the interview staff is a prime concern when undertaking surveys of this nature, NDC has stringent procedures in place to minimise the risk to interviewers whilst operating on site.
All NDC interview staff receive a comprehensive briefing to ensure they are both familiar with the survey questions and the reasoning behind them. NDC staff are always of neat appearance and instructed to be polite at all times to members of the public. A comprehensive survey manual is always provided which clearly sets out the purpose of the survey and detailed instructions, including those relating to interpretation, for each question.